Description String Industry
Front End Dev ("Front-end" OR "front end" OR Javascript) AND javascript AND ("performance optimization" OR "data modeling" OR "data structures" OR algorithms) AND ("automated testing" OR UI OR HTML OR MVC OR CSS) Computer Software
APPLICATION DEVELOPER “Data structures” OR “data manipulation” OR “databases” OR “design” OR “programming” OR “testing” OR “implementation” OR (“DOT NET” OR “. NET”) OR “WEB APPLICATIONS” Information Technology & Services
Lead Software Engineer targeting product (Java OR Python OR Ruby) AND ("Big Data" OR Cassandra OR Elasticsearch OR "Elastic search" OR Kakfa) AND (MongoDB OR Mongo OR "Mongo DB" OR Database OR NoSQL) AND ("data structures" OR datastructures OR datastructure OR "data structure") AND (Algo OR Algorithms OR Algorithm) AND (API OR APIs OR RESTful) AND ("Distributed Systems" OR "system design" OR architecture) AND (AWS OR Azure OR GCP OR Cloud) Information Technology & Services
X-ray Linked search Software Engineers in Cloud based in Seattle ("software development" OR programmer OR developer)(distributed OR "large scale" OR scaling OR "high availability" OR "server side") (spark OR "data service" OR database OR "data warehouse" OR storage OR "big data" (bscs OR mscs OR "computer Science" OR algorithm OR "data structures") Seattle OR "Greater Seattle" Information Technology & Services